Delegata Regionale TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE

SME and I grew up in a multinational where I learned to manage the plots of globalization. I took advantage of this incredible gym to create a structure totally dedicated to the internationalization of companies, I did it together with a team that has grown with me and that me in of organization, analysis, and business opportunities.

RubiconEX offers a complete range of services as an outsourced export office to all companies (both Italian and other nationalities) that do want to go internationally. We start with an export check up and do a market analysis.
Then, we prepare a commercial strategy for the selected markets, and we decide which partners to look for and define their profile.
Thus, we actively search for the partners, contact them, and present our customers and their products.
We schedule B2B meeting and create business opportunities.
We can then offer a full customer service to take care of all the daily activities with foreign partners in an accurate way. We can assist with international exhibitions, sales events, translations, international contracts and logistics, customers operations and international project management.
We do it from our office in Italy and together with an extensive international network of commercial partners present on different local markets and together with the professionals necessary in the internationalization process, such as laywers.
We support both Italian companies to go worldwide and foreign companies to find partners in Italy and on other markets.
My goal? Be your export and import office!


Delegazione Trentino Alto Adige


"un gruppo di persone che condivide un obiettivo comune può raggiungere l’impossibile"

Informazione, formazione, conoscenza, supporto, cultura di rete, sono i punti cardine che ASSORETIPMI sviluppa e offre con continuità come punto di forza ai propri associati. Aderire ad ASSORETIPMI vuol dire percorrere un cammino comune di crescita e opportunità all’interno di un contesto economico complesso
ma sempre potenzialmente forte come quello Italiano.